(logo)  Compatibility mode

Incorrect HTML

By default, AWeb complies fully to the HTML-2 standard. Unfortunately, there are many pages on the Web designed using an inferior browser on another hardware platform. That browser has several bugs, so that even an ill-formed HTML-page looks good when using that particular browser.
When you view such a page using a decent Web browser, like AWeb, the page might look distorted. You can expect large parts of the page missing, links to URLs that seem to contain HTML tags, and other strange things.

If you encounter such problems, try using the compatibility mode in AWeb. In this mode, AWeb tries to mimic the bugs in this widely-used PC-browser, showing as much of the erroneous page as it possibly could.

To show a page in compatibility mode use the Control / HTML mode / Compatible menu item.

To view the page using strict HTML-2 again, use the Control / HTML mode / Strict menu item.


In compatibility mode, quoted attribute values are terminated by any occurrence of ">". In addition, quoted attributes that contain URLs, like HREF, SRC and ACTION, are terminated by whitespace.
Comments are terminated by any occurrence of "-->".

In strict mode, AWeb complies to the HTML 2.0 standard.